In this post we’ll learn What is C#? and about its important fundamental concepts. C# is one of the famous Microsoft programming languages. C# is object-oriented programming language and follow all OOP concepts and it was developed early in year 2000. In below section we have shared important concepts of C# which may addon to your knowledge and can also help while cracking interviews.

C# is a certified programming language (by ECMA & ISO). It is used to develop all kind of applications that may be web, desktop. It also helps developer in developing a robust, secure, and portable applications. Using C#, we can develop web applications, console applications, mobile applications, windows applications, backend services, web API, webservice, microservices etc.
What will you learn from this C# Section?
C# Error Handling
- Multiple Catch block in C#
- Finally Block in C# with Examples
- Nested Try- catch block | Handling inner Exceptions
C# Constructors:
C# Pointers:
- Pointers in C# | Should read this
- Pointers and use of Unsafe code in C#
- Reference type and Value type
C# Fundamentals
C# Data Types
- C# | Data Types
- C# | Difference Between int.Parse() and int.TryParse()
- What is the difference between const and readonly in C#?
- How to iterate over Enum in C#?
- C# | String
- string Vs. String in C#
- Select Random String from An Array in C#
- String Interpolation in C#
- How to Compare Strings in C#
- C# | String Format()
- C# | String IndexOf()
- String.Split() Method
- C# | IsNullOrWhiteSpace() Method
- C# I IsNullOrEmpty() Method
Data Structure
Interview Context:
General C# Topics
- What Is New in C# 10?
- Extension method in C#
- Optional parameters / Default arguments in C#
- All about Abstract class in C#
- ref vs out
- HTML URL Encoding
- AutoMapper in C# with Examples
- Dependency Injection in C#
- How to read XML using C#
- How to get the Current Executable’s path in C#
- How to send web request to URL for getting data
- How to remove HTML tags from string in C#
- How to Create Word Document Using C#
Control statement
.NET Framework
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- What is linear data structure?A linear data structure is a type of data structure that stores data in a linear fashion, meaning that the data is organized in a sequence. The most common examples… Read more: What is linear data structure?
- Data StructureData structures is used to structure data so that it can be used by the users in efficient way. As the computer program relies hugely on the data and also… Read more: Data Structure
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- Extension method in C#In this article we are going to explain you about Extension method in C#. It was introduced in C# 3.0 and used to extend the functionality of a class or type.… Read more: Extension method in C#
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- What is C#?In this post we’ll learn What is C#? and about its important fundamental concepts. C# is one of the famous Microsoft programming languages. C# is object-oriented programming language and follow all… Read more: What is C#?
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Note: All C# fundamental will be published on the portal soon. If you want any specific topic, please comment below or email us on, we’ll try to publish that topic as earliest as possible.
You can find more details about C# on Microsoft Learn.