You can quickly navigate the Visual Studio IDE using certain keyboard shortcuts. Quickly navigating Visual Studio and Active Tool Windows files is one of the key factors affecting development productivity. Visual Studio IDE provides several sets of options to achieve the same result. You can easily switch between open files, tools, and windows in Visual Studio. You can also navigate your code faster by bookmarking the code in Visual Studio.

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Quickly Navigate Through Visual Studio

One of the popular options for navigating between files that you should start with is Navigate Backward (Ctrl+Shift+-) and Navigate Forward Ctrl+-. Navigating forward will activate open documents as they are opened, and navigating backward will open in reverse order. This will allow very quick navigation through open files. You can find these options in the View menu.

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Alternatively, you can select the specific files from the file navigation stack which is available in the toolbar

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The other important and very useful shortcut for navigation is “Ctrl+Tab“. This must be familiar with most of the developer. Press Ctrl + Tab for a summary window with all Active Files and Active Tool Window. You can just easily switch among them.

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You can check more article on our website under C# section HERE or you can also check same on Microsoft Docs too.

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