How to Center a Popup Window on Screen

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JavaScript method is used to open a popup window. This popup window will be placed in the center of the screen. This example creates the pop-up window without placing it into

How to hide URL in the popup window opened using

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If you are using below code to open a popup window in your web page, then address must be appearing in you pop up window and f you want to

window.showModalDialog is deprecated in Edge and Chrome

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If you have a website being compatible with Edge/Chrome and in past it was only compatible with IE 11 and if you are using window.showModalDailog in your JavaScript code, then

Cloning JavaScript Object with Object.create

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We present another article focusing on understanding the concept of creating objects using Object.create. The article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using “Object.create” to clone objects. Let’s take

Set new Attribute in XML using jQuery

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If you want to add new attribute in XML using jQuery. Let’s check how to do this using below sample xml. You can add attribute in any XML tag as

DOMParser: parseFromString() method

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The parseFromString() method of the DOMParser interface used to parses a string containing either HTML or XML and then returning an HTMLDocument or XMLDocument respectively. Below is the detail of

What is the use of attr() method in jQuery?

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The attr() method sets or returns attributes and values of the selected elements. When this method is used to return the attribute value, it returns the value of theof the

What is jQuery CDN?

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A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet. The goal of a CDN is

Difference between $(this) and ‘this’ in jQuery

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this and $(this) refers to the same element. The only difference is the way they are used. ‘this’ is used in traditional sense, when ‘this’ is wrapped in $() then it becomes a

jQuery important questions

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1). What is jQuery? jQuery is JavaScript library which required a jquery.js file. After that you can write the jQuery as fallows. It uses “$” as the shorthand to write