How to Read a Text File in C#

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In C# ‘File’ class provides static methods to read given text file data. The File.ReadAllText() method opens a text file, reads all the text present in the file into a

C# | How to use Interface references

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In C#, you’re permitted to make a reference variable of an interface type or in other words, you’re permitted to form an interface reference variable. Such kind of variable can

How to enable SQL Server authentication

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SQL Server Authentication is a default way to connect to MS SQL Server, but there may be many times that you need to use SQL Server Authentication to connect to

How To Fix Azure Functions Timer Trigger Unable to Start Running Locally with Vs2022 17 2 X Azurite

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Lately my VS2022 (17.2.x) Azure Functions projects started failing to run locally. The local console had errors related to not being able to start any of the Timer Triggers. The

How to Center a Popup Window on Screen

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JavaScript method is used to open a popup window. This popup window will be placed in the center of the screen. This example creates the pop-up window without placing it into

How to hide URL in the popup window opened using

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If you are using below code to open a popup window in your web page, then address must be appearing in you pop up window and f you want to

How to Add Property to an object in JavaScript?

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An object in JavaScript is a collection of properties, and these properties are essentially key-value pairs.Properties define the characteristics of an object in JavaScript, and these properties can be modified,

How to change the background image using jQuery?

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Changing the background image using jQuery is very simple task now. You can change the background image using the css() method and url() function notation. The syntax to change the

How to get the nuget cache folder location programmatically

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While programming if I need to get from a .NET app (not .NET Core app) the list of directories where NuGet stores its packages. Let’s see how to do this.

How to Add JavaScript in HTML Document?

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JavaScript code is inserted between <script> and </script> tags when used in an HTML document. Scripts can be placed inside the body or the head section of an HTML page or