Working With File Class In C#

In C#, ‘File’ class provides many static methods for moving, copying, and deleting files. These Static methods involve moving a file and copying and deleting a file also. Let’s check…

How to Read a Text File in C#

In C# ‘File’ class provides static methods to read given text file data. The File.ReadAllText() method opens a text file, reads all the text present in the file into a…

C Sharp Interface

Comparable as a Class, Interface can have methods, properties, events, and indexers as its individuals. But interfaces will contain just the declaration of the members. The implementation of the interface’s…

C# | Classes and Constructors

In this post we’ll learn about C# | Classes and Constructors. Below we are going to talk about: Adding New Elements in Solution Explorer Even though we can create new…

Polymorphism and Types

Polymorphism means one name in many forms. This is the main feature of OOP. Polymorphism is the ability to take on multiple forms, but the name remains the same. There…

C# | Method Overloading

Method overloading is a common way to implement polymorphism. This is the ability to redefine functions in multiple formats. Users can implement function overloading by defining two or more functions…

C# | Method Overriding

Method overrides in C# are similar to virtual functions in C++. Method overriding is a technique that allows you to call a function from another class (the base class) in…