How To Fix Azure Functions Timer Trigger Unable to Start Running Locally with Vs2022 17 2 X Azurite

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Lately my VS2022 (17.2.x) Azure Functions projects started failing to run locally. The local console had errors related to not being able to start any of the Timer Triggers. The

How to get the nuget cache folder location programmatically

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While programming if I need to get from a .NET app (not .NET Core app) the list of directories where NuGet stores its packages. Let’s see how to do this.

How can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?

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You can do this using Visual Studio menu on UI or by using command. You have two ways to do this. Let’s check: First Option: Let’s move with first option,

Get TFS to ignore NuGet packages folder

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We have to tell both NuGet and TFS to ignore the packages, because NuGet is trying to do source-control related stuff that it absolutely shouldn’t be doing. So, you have

Unlocking files and folders locked by some employee on TFS

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Keep in mind that you will need the appropriate rights. The permissions are called “Undo other users’ changes” and “Unlock other users’ changes”. These permissions can be viewed by Next

Build Vs. Rebuild Vs. Clean

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“Build Solutions” and “Rebuild Solutions” are the most commonly used features in Visual Studio. As a developer, you write code, build solutions, and run applications in Visual Studio. You also

Must check – string Vs. String in C#

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One of the common questions that comes up in .NET interviews is “What is the difference between string and string?”. This is a very simple question but can confuse you

Visual Studio Tip: Quickly convert for to foreach loop

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Let’s learn below a Visual Studio Tip: Quickly convert for to foreach loop. Visual Studio 2017 IDE provides quick refactoring using Quick Actions and Refactoring. Refactoring is a process of

How to Colorize Document Tabs in Visual Studio 2022

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Here’s another fun fact where you can pin multiple tabs together by selecting them while holding the Ctrl button. Yes, it’s as simple as that. Press the Ctrl button, select

Must know- You can drag & drop multiple tabs or even pin / unpin them together in Visual Studio

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A few days ago, I shared a tip about preserving and separating pinned tabs in Visual Studio. You have seen how we can maintain PIN state and create separate rows