As developers, we spend a lot of time debugging code, identifying the root cause of errors, and ultimately fixing it as part of our daily development activities. Some problems are very easy to identify and fix, while others take an enormous amount of time to identify. In fact, I sometimes spent more time debugging than writing the actual code.
Visual Studio provides several tools to help you debug your code smoothly and efficiently. There are only a few important tools that you will use frequently, such as breakpoints, the watch window, and the process attachment window. However, in some cases, you can be more productive with debugging tips and techniques that help you quickly identify problems.

11 Effective Debugging Tips for .NET Developer

The purpose of this post is to provide you with 11 helpful tips to make debugging in Visual Studio much more productive and save your valuable time.

1. How to use “Run to Cursor” while debugging in Visual Studio

2. How to Debug Multithreaded Program

3. Calling Methods using Watch Window

4. Key tips on Customizing Debugging Window View in Visual Studio

5. How to Get Object Generation using Watch Window

6. How to use out of scope object within Conditional Breakpoint?

7. How to use DebuggerTypeProxy while debugging your sensitive Type

8. How to stop debugger after a specific number of breakpoint hit?

9. How to use Runtime Objects in Watch Window during Debugging in Visual Studio?

10. How to Hide Methods from debugger Using DebuggerHidden attribute?

11. How to Keep Visual Studio debugger ON when the browser is closed?

Must read:

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