In my earlier posts you saw various support tools in Visual Studio 2015 or later that help improve the developer experience while using detailed information about the application. This article also talks about another small but really useful feature that helps you track/monitor the number of telemetry events sent directly from Visual Studio. This will help you check if your events are sent correctly without opening the port multiple times.

Visual Studio provides a tiny toolbar for Application Insights that shows the count of Telemetry events sent from the Visual Studio itself.

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If you expand it, you will also find an option to disable the first time event notification.

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How can we Test it?

Step 1 :

Follow the Adding Application Insights to a Windows 10 Universal App article to enable Application Insights.

Step 2:

Add a simple button and send some custom telemetry event from the application.

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Step 3 :

Run the application in debug mode, and click on Button, you should be able to see the count is getting increased on every click on the button.

In above post you have learned about “How to get number of Application Insights events from Visual Studio”. Hope this will help you in your daily development practices.

You can check more article on our website under C# section HERE or you can also check same on Micrsoft Docs too.

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