Visual Studio’s command window is very powerful and can help you get things done faster during development. The Command window can run commands directly in Visual Studio by their name. This order can come from the menu, your custom order, or even be hidden and not in the menu. You can also use this window for debugging. It’s been there since the inception of Visual Studio; However, it is often overlooked, and many developers are still unaware of the existence of this amazing tool.

Launch the Command Window by navigating from View => Other Windows => Command Window.

Using multipurpose Command Window to execute things faster in Visual Studio

You can see the “command window” in the following screenshot. The symbol “>” indicates it is ready to accept commands.

Must Read: 

11 Effective Debugging Tips for .NET Developer

Using multipurpose Command Window to execute things faster in Visual Studio

When you start typing here; You will find intellisene available for faster order picking. For example, as soon as I import a file, I can see the following list of commands related to the file.

Using multipurpose Command Window to execute things faster in Visual Studio

IN able screen shot you can observe the list of commands related to file, if you just select File.NewProject, then Visual Studio New File Dialog windows will appear to you.

Using multipurpose Command Window to execute things faster in Visual Studio

This was just an example for you. you can try the several command to check this utility.

As we said earlier, you can use the Command Window tool while debugging to inspect variables. The following example shows how to display the value of a variable in the command window as well as attach a variable to the quick watch.

Using multipurpose Command Window to execute things faster in Visual Studio

Overall, this is a great Visual Studio utility and if you’re not using it yet, start using it today!! Learn more about the command window HERE

You can check more article on our website under C# section HERE or you can also check more such stuff on Microsoft Docs too.

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