ES2015 (ES6) introduced the const keyword to define a new variable. The basic difference between const variable declaration and other variables are that it cannot be reassigned.


  • Const cannot be reassigned.
  • It’s Block Scope
  • It can be assigned to the variable on the declaration line itself.
  • It’s a Primitive value.
  • The property of a const object can be changed but it cannot be changed to a reference to the new object.
  • The values inside the const array can be changed, it can add new items to const arrays but it cannot reference a new array.
  • Re-declaring of a const variable inside different block scopes is allowed.
  • Const cannot be Hoisted.
  • Const creates only read-only references to value.


const const_name;
const x;

Example 1: It describes that the const variable cannot be reassigned again.


const x = 12;
x = 13;
x += 1;


Uncaught Type Error: Assignment to constant variable.

Example 2: Following example describes that const variables contains the Block Scope.


const x = 22;
    const x = 90;
        const x = 77;
        const x = 45;



Example 3: It describes the const variable and assigned value to it after declaration.


const x;
x = 12;


Uncaught SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

Example 4: Following example shows that const variable cannot be Hoisted.


x = 3;
const x;


Uncaught SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

Example 5: Following example describes that the array values can be modified only but reference to the array cannot be changed.


// Changing the content of array is
// possible in cost array
const arr1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
arr1[2] = "z"; // possible


a, b, c, d
a, b, z, d

Example 6: It describes that the object properties can be modified only but reference to the object cannot be changed.


const person = {
    first_name: "Rohit",
    last_name: "Singh",
    Age: 20,
    About: "Web Developer and Programmer"
// It is possible
person.first_name = "Aryan";
person.last_name = "kumar";
person.Age = 22;
person.About = "Commerce undergraduate";
// it is not possible
// const person={
// "first_name":"Aryan",
// "last_name":"kumar",
// "Age":22,
// "About":"Commerce undergraduate"
// }


    first_name: 'Rohit',
    last_name: 'Singh',
    Age: 20,
    About: 'Web Developer and Programmer'
    first_name: 'Aryan',
    last_name: 'kumar',
    Age: 22,
    About: 'Commerce undergraduate'

Supported Browsers:

  • chrome 21 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Firefox 36 and above
  • Internet Explorer 11 and above
  • Opera 9 and above
  • Safari 5.1 and above

Note: To clear your concept of var, const, and let you need to go through how to declare variables in different ways in JavaScript? We will post its complete article soon.

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