JavaScript Array is a single variable that is used to store elements of different data types. JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed. The JavaScript Arrays are not associative in nature.
Arrays are used when we have a list of items. An array allows you to store several values with the same name and access them by using their index number.
Declaration of an Array
There are basically two ways to declare an array.
1. Creating an array using array literal:
let arrayName = [value1, value2, value3,....];
// Initializing while declaring let courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "JavaScript" , "React" ]; console.log(courses) |
Output [ ‘HTML’, ‘CSS’, ‘JavaScript’, ‘React’ ]
2. Creating an array using the JavaScript new keyword:
let arrayName = new Array();
// Initializing while declaring let arr1 = new Array(3) arr1[0] = 10 arr1[1] = 20 arr1[2] = 30 console.log( "Array 1: " , arr1) // Creates an array having elements 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 let arr2 = new Array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); console.log( "Array 2: " , arr2) // Creates an array of 5 undefined elements let arr3 = new Array(5); console.log( "Array 3: " , arr3) // Creates an array with one element let arr4 = new Array( "1BHK" ); console.log( "Array 4: " , arr4) |
Array 1: [ 10, 20, 30 ] Array 2: [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ] Array 3: [ <5 empty items> ] Array 4: [ '1BHK' ]
Note: Both the above methods do exactly the same. Use the array literal method for efficiency, readability, and speed.
Accessing Elements of an Array
Any element in the array can be accessed using the index number. The index in the arrays starts with 0.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log(courses[0]) console.log(courses[1]) console.log(courses[2]) |
HTML CSS Javascript
Change elements from a pre-defined array.
We will use index-based method to change the elements of array.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "JavaScript" ]; console.log(courses) courses[1]= "" console.log(courses) |
[ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript']
[ 'HTML', '
', 'JavaScript']
Convert an Array to String
We have an in-built method toString() in JavaScript that converts an array to a string.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log(courses.toString()) |
Increase and decrease the length of an array.
We can increase and decrease the length of an array using the JavaScript’s length property.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; courses.length = 5 // Increasing array length to 5 console.log( "Array after increased length: " ,courses) courses.length = 2 // Decreasing array length to 2 console.log( "Array after decreased length: " ,courses) |
Array after increased length: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', <2 empty items> ] Array after decreased length: [ 'HTML', 'CSS' ]
We can also update an array after initialization.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; courses.length = 5 // Increasing array length to 5 console.log( "Array after increased length: " ,courses) courses[3] = 'PhP' courses[4] = 'React' console.log( "Array after initializing: " , courses) |
Array after increased length: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', <2 empty items> ] Array after initializing: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', 'PhP', 'React' ]
Loop through JavaScript Array Elements
We can loop through the elements of a JavaScript array using the for loop:
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "JavaScript" ]; for (let i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) { console.log(courses[i]) } |
HTML CSS JavaScript
This can also be done by using the Array.forEach() function of JavaScript.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; courses.forEach(myfunc); function myfunc(elements) { console.log(elements); } |
HTML CSS JavaScript
Adding new elements to JavaScript Array
Using the JavaScript in-built push() method we can add new elements to an array.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log( "Original Array: " ,courses) courses.push( "React" ) console.log( "Array after adding an element: " ,courses) |
Original Array: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript' ] Array after adding an element: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React' ]
We can also add a new element to a JavaScript array using the length property.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log( "Original Array: " ,courses) courses[courses.length] = "React" console.log( "Array after adding an element: " ,courses) |
Original Array: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript' ] Array after adding an element: [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', 'React' ]
Finding the typeof JavaScript Arrays
The Javascript typeof operator returns “object” for arrays.
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log( typeof courses) |
Difference between Javascript arrays and objects
Javascript arrays use indexes as numbers while objects use indexes as names.
When to use JavaScript Arrays and Objects?
Arrays are used when we want element names to be numeric while Objects are used when we want element names to be strings.
Recognizing a JavaScript Array
There are two methods by which we can recognize a JavaScript array:
- By using Array.isArray() method
- By using instanceof method
Below is an example showing both approaches:
const courses = [ "HTML" , "CSS" , "Javascript" ]; console.log( "Using Array.isArray() method: " ,Array.isArray(courses)) console.log( "Using instanceof method: " ,courses instanceof Array) |
Using Array.isArray() method: true Using instanceof method: true
A common error is faced while writing the arrays:
const numbers = [5] // and const numbers = new Array(5)
const numbers = [5] console.log(numbers) |
The above two statements are not the same.
Output: This statement creates an array with an element ” [5] “.
const numbers = new Array(5) console.log(numbers) |
Output: This statement creates an array with five undefined elements.
[ <5 empty items> ]
For commonly used Array methods refer to the links below.
- JavaScript Array Functions – Part 1
- JavaScript Array Functions – Part 2
- JavaScript Array Functions – Part 3
We have a complete list of JavaScript Array methods, to check those please go through this JavaScript Array reference article.
We have a Cheat Sheet on JavaScript where we covered all the important topics of JavaScript to check those please go through JavaScript Cheat Sheet-A Basic guide to JavaScript.