In this article we’ll learn how to “Import one SQL Database into another”. To start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard using SSMS, go to Object Explorer, right click on a database for which want to export or import data; from the context menu under the Task sub-menu, choose the Import Data or Export Data option:

Once you’ll click on “Import Data” Following screen will appear to you. Here you need to select following
Source Database configurations:
Please follow below instructions for Source database

- “Data Source” options (as shown in below image).
- Server Name which you want to connect.
- SQL authentication – pass Username and password.
- Select the source database name from which you want to import the data.
- Now click the Next button.
Destination Database configurations:
Please follow below instructions for Destination database

- “Data Source” options (as shown in below image).
- Server Name which have destination DB.
- SQL authentication – pass Username and password.
- Select the destination database name in which you want whole data.
- Now click the Next button.
On next following screen will appear which have following two options.
- Select first option which import data to destination DB.
- Second’s option is for creating the Scripts.

On click on NEXT button of above screen following will appear where you need to select the Tables/ views etc. whose data you want to import.

Select the required tables name and click next. Following window will appear where you can select “Run Immediately” and click on Next button in below screen.

Above Screen will give brief information of what data will get imported. Click FINISH and you will see below screen which shows status against each database object.

Click Close and you are done with IMPORT of data.
Now check your destination DB you will see the tables and view which you have selected to import.
Below in destination DB I can see table and views which I have selected to import in to this DB.

I hope with this article you got information that how you can import data from one DB to another using SQL.

I hope with the article you’ll get understanding of how to import/export the SQL Database into another. For additional information you can refer link HERE
For more knowledge of MS SQL, you can check this section HERE