An electric power distribution company charges its domestic consumers as follows:

Consumption UnitsRate of Charges
0-100Rs. 1 per unit
101-300Rs. 100 plus Rs. 1.25 per unit in excess of 100
301-500Rs. 350 plus Rs. 1.50 per unit in excess of 300
500 and aboveRs. 650 plus Rs. 1.75 per unit in excess of 500

Below is a program that read the customer number & power consumed and prints the amount to be paid by the customer. You will note that output is also well formatted. Let’s start below

customerNo=int(input("Enter customer number : "))
units=int(input("Enter the power consumed :"))

if units>0 and units<=100 :
elif units>100 and units<=300 :
elif units>300 and units<=500 :
elif units>500: 
    print("Invalid Input, please try again. ")

print("\t\t\t PSPCL BILL ")
print("\t\tPayable Bill Amount :INR " +str(billAmt))

Python program for domestic electricity bill


Python program for domestic electricity bill

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