Program 1:Write a program to create a 2D array using NumPy.


Program 2: Write a program to convert a python list to a NumPy array.


Program 3: Write a program to create matrix of 3×3 from 11 to 30.


Program 4: Write a program to create a data frame to store data of candidates who appeared in interviews. The data frame columns are name, score, attempts, and qualify (Yes/No). Assign row index as C001,C002, and so on.


Program 5: Write a program to create a data frame named player and store their data in the columns like team, no. of matches, runs, and average. Assign player name as row index and Display only those player details whose score is more than 1000.


Program 6: Write a program to represent the data on the ratings of mobile games on bar chart. The sample data is given as: Pubg, Free Fire, Mine Craft, GTA-V, Call of duty, FIFA 22. The rating for each game is as: 4.5,4.8,4.7,4.6,4.1,4.3


Program 7: Observe the given data for monthly sales of one of the salesmen for 6 months. Plot them on the line chart.


Program 8: Load Image [using CV i.e. computer Vision ]and Give the title of image


Program 9: Change the color of image and Change the image to grayscale.

Program 10: Display the maximum and minimum pixels of image.
